Australia's changes to its visa laws for foreign students are intended to improve student welfare and the quality of education while solidifying Australia's position as the world's top destination for higher education.

Australia will begin limiting international students' post-study job privileges in the middle of this year to enforce tougher regulations on student visas. Following a policy change in December to cut the number of immigrants in half after a record 510,000 entered in 2022–2023, the new policy seeks to give priority to the use of visas for educational purposes rather than allowing long-term settlement. Here are some of the significant changes thus far:

1. An increase in proof of funds

The minimum savings required to obtain a student visa has been increased by a mandate from the Australian government. International students will need to demonstrate savings of AUD$24,505 (US$15,943) as of October 1, 2023; this is a 17% increase over the previous criterion.

2. Higher IELTS score

The minimum English language requirement for undergraduate programs has increased from IELTS 5.5 to IELTS 6.01. For postgraduate programs, including master’s and doctoral degrees, the minimum English language requirement has been raised from IELTS 6.0 to IELTS 6.5

3.  Post-study work privileges expire

Australia will modify its post-study work rights for international students starting mid-year, reducing the duration for which international graduates can stay in the country for work. The previous extensions, ranging from 4-6 years based on the level of study, will now revert to the original 2-3 years, as announced by the Australian Department of Education last month.

4. Extensive evaluation

Australian Student Visas now require passing the Genuine Student Test (GST), introduced by the government last November. This test aims to determine if applicants genuinely intend to study in Australia, replacing the previous Genuine Temporary Entrant requirement. The focus is on favoring those committed to studying rather than working, ensuring a contribution to the Australian economy. As a result, students pursuing lower-level credentials are more likely to face visa refusals.

5. University ranking

Last December, the Australian Department of Home Affairs revealed a new system to rank universities according to their risk level. Universities are classified into three groups based on past instances of visa regulation violations by students.

Priority will be given to visa applications from international students applying to Group 1 universities. However, applicants to Groups 2 and 3 will face a more prolonged visa process, necessitating additional evidence of English proficiency and financial capability.

In response to this policy, several Australian universities have already taken steps this year, such as rescinding admission offers or urging withdrawal of applications, aiming to safeguard their reputation.

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